October 6, 2021

Sabir x Joe Yoon Part 1


How do you become Instagram famous?

It’s the question that a generation of teenagers and young adults are asking, not to mention countless business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals.

Joe Yoon knows the answer as it’s a journey that he has taken. Even today, several years after he began making a living using the social media platform, he still employs a series of tricks and techniques to grow his following.

The following guide outlines everything that Yoon did to get over 1 million followers. If you want to follow in his footsteps, this is the guide for you.

  • The First Few Weeks: The early stages of your Instagram career are very important. You need to spend some time researching your competitors, understanding your demographic, and creating content plans. Your following won’t grow quickly, so you need to remain patient.
  • Help, Don’t Sell: Too many businesses see Instagram as a free way to advertise their products. They use it to post promotions and are constantly trying to sell their products. If you want to grow a following, you need to provide them with some helpful, educational, and/or entertaining content.
  • Think Like a Nobody: If you’re trying to build a personal brand, you can’t fill your feed with pictures of your breakfast and generic workout posts and expect to get millions of followers. It works for superstar influencers because they already have a following and their subscribers are desperate to see everything that they do. They don’t extend the same respect to people they don’t know and have never seen before.
  • Remain Consistent: It’s important to remain consistent when you are publishing social media content. Get into a rhythm of posting every day or every few days and stick to it. If you take a look at the guide below, you can learn about the strategies that Joe Yoon and other social media stars use to consistently post content.
  • Engage With Your Followers: Show your followers that you’re listening by engaging with them. Every time you post, spend some time responding to the comments and engaging with them in a meaningful way, which means going above and beyond the simple, “Thank you for your comment” posts. It encourages them to engage with you in the future and it shows everyone else that if they consume your content and comment on your posts, they may get a response.
  • Be Patient: It took Joe Yoon over 3 years of hard work to get to where he is today. Overnight success does exist, but it’s very rare, and the vast majority of successful social media stars have grown their followers through patience and persistence. If you keep working hard and following the strategies outlined here, you’ll get to where you want to be.

This is just a taster of the many great pieces of advice provided by Joe Yoon during our hour-long interview. There is also a multi-page guide that expands upon these ideas and covers everything else that Joe Yoon used to become the fitness superstar that he is today.

Meet Joe Yoon. Better known as @JoeTherapy. Joe is a certified personal trainer, licensed massage therapist, published author, and founder of the fitness training business JoeTherapy. Yoon graduated from Quinnipiac University in 2009 with a BS degree in Health & Science Studies and was certified as a personal trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine in 2011.

Joe Yoon has a following of more than 1.3 million on Instagram. He’s Instagram famous, but he’s much more than that. He’s also a published author, a successful businessman, a certified trainer, and the creator of several programs relating to fitness, massage, and health.

All of this came from Instagram and Joe admits that if it wasn’t for the platform, he probably wouldn’t be where he is today.

I sat down for an interview with Joe and asked for his words of wisdom relating to Instagram hacking, Instagram follower growth, and building a successful personal brand on social media.

#ThisWeekWithSabir Audio Experience

Check out the $100,000 Expert Insights – Part 2: Building Your Personal Trainer Business & Personal Brand with Joe Yoon: $100,000 Expert Insights

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