November 3, 2021

Sabir x Dave Moran Part 1


The story of Keurig Green Mountain is one of great struggle and massive growth. It’s a story that began with what seemed like a terrible idea and then transformed into one of the biggest and most recognizable brands in the United States.

There’s a lot to learn from this story, and that’s the point of this article and video.

Dave Moran was a close friend of the company’s founder and played a major role in its growth. He was more than happy to relate the story to me during the course of a This Week With Sabir episode, and you can read all of his words of wisdom below.

Here’s a quick summary of what you can learn:

  • Distribution Tips: Keurig Green Mountain (now known as Keurig Dr. Pepper) became the massive company that it was because of some smart distribution strategies. It did something that other companies refused to do, something that looked like it would signal the end of the company but actually triggered immense growth.
  • Business Models: Dave Moran talks about the importance of choosing the right business model and implementing it as early as possible. He talks about something known as the “razor and blades” model, as well as the business model used by Keurig Green Mountain.
  • The Importance of Innovation: Innovative strategies and product launches were a key part of Keurig Green Mountain’s growth strategy and similar methods can help your business to grow. As noted in the below guide, you need to be a Netflix and not a Blockbuster; Kodak and not Polaroid. You can only follow one path for so long—eventually, you will need to change direction.
  • Prepare for Growth: If you want the growth to come, you must be prepared for it. If you’re not ready when that growth period arrives, it could overwhelm you, at which point you won’t be able to keep up and may miss out. That doesn’t mean that you need to invest all of your money in something that may never happen, though. Take a look at our guide below for more information on the steps that you need to take to prepare yourself for growth.
  • Keep it Simple: Give yourself a clear and well-defined goal and make sure you follow it. It’s important not to muddy the waters with endless goals and milestones. One is enough. It can be big, it can be ambitious, but it should be the only one that you are working toward.
  • Keep Learning: The best entrepreneurs are constantly learning. They’re looking at their competitors, anticipating trends, researching into their customers, and learning about business strategies, marketing methods, and more. There is no finishing line in your educational journey. It’s a race that you will be running for the rest of your life.

At the end of my interview with Dave Moran, I asked him for his $100,000 advice, and he was more than happy to oblige. Read to the end of this guide to see this valuable insight for yourself.

Dave Moran is a strategic problem-solver whose innovative insights have helped countless companies of all shapes and sizes. He has over 35-years of experience behind him and some great stories to tell.

I was delighted to welcome Dave onto This Week With Sabir. Over the course of an hour-long interview, he talked about his experiences with Bob Stiller and Keurig Green Mountain (now Keurig Dr Pepper) while offering some valuable tips.

You can watch the full interview with Dave above. In this article, I’ll discuss the tips and techniques that Dave mentioned, highlighting the ways these can benefit small business owners seeking growth opportunities.

Check out the $100,000 Expert Insights – Part 2: Growth Hacking Keurig Green Mountain with Dave Moran

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