June 3, 2020

Sabir x Isaac Rudansky Part 1


Google Ads is the foundation of countless online marketing campaigns.

Businesses pay huge sums of money for experts and agencies to run their Google Ads accounts, and they rely on this platform to drive valuable traffic to their e-commerce sites.

But if you learn to do it yourself, you can save a small fortune, reduce your conversion costs, and start growing your business.

Isaac Rudansky shows you how to manage your Google Ads account and grow your business. He’s one of the country’s foremost experts on the topic and, in the following guide, he provides a wealth of valuable insights, including:

  • How to Get Started: Google Ads is completely free to set up and it’s also very straightforward. If you get stuck, there are numerous guides to help you out. You don’t even need to spend a lot of time on this process—we’ll show you how to get started in a matter of minutes.
  • Shopping Ads: If you sell a product, Shopping Ads are a must. They are much more effective and should always serve as the foundation for your Google Ads marketing campaigns. The guide below will highlight the other types of ads that are available through Google Ads, giving you an idea of how effective they are and when they should be used.
  • Facebook vs Google: If you had to choose between Google and Facebook for online advertising, which would you choose? It’s a question that I put to Isaac during our discussion and one that he addressed honestly and plainly. His answer might surprise you…
  • How to Create Ads Like A Pro: Ad agencies and Google Ads experts will certainly earn their pay. They spend a lot of time creating high-quality ads using things like Sitelink Extensions, carefully researched keywords, and more. But you can do all of these things yourself. Isaac walks us through the process below, showing you what steps are involved in creating big-budget and super-effective ad campaigns so that you can follow along.
  • Campaigns on a Budget: The great thing about Google Ads is that you don’t need a big budget to get started. You can spend just $10 or $20 a week if that’s all you have, and yet it will still be enough to generate sales. Take a look at the guide below to learn how to manage your campaigns in a way that will limit your spending.

In addition to the above, the guide will show you how to get your very own (free) Google Ads representative, and how to use other marketing platforms to bolster the efficacy of your Google Ads campaigns.

If you’re struggling to get sales for your business, can’t afford the fees charged by marketing agencies, or you’re struggling to make Google Ads work, this is the guide for you! You can watch the video embedded below to see the full 60-minute discussion or read the accompanying guide to learn more about all of the methods, tips, and tricks discussed.

In the very first ThisWeekWithSabir episode, I sat down with Isaac for a discussion about all things Google—covering essential tips and tricks to help small businesses and including advice that could propel your company to 6-figure profits.  If you’re new to Google Ads or have been struggling to get to grips with the platform, this is the article for you!

#ThisWeekWithSabir Audio Experience

Check out the $100,000+ Expert Insights. Continue to Google Ads with Isaac Rudansky Part 2 of 2

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