August 4, 2021

Sabir x Neil Patel


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)—three words that strike fear into the heart of every inexperienced founder. Startups spend huge sums of money on SEO and many budget-conscious founders avoid it altogether, believing that it’s out of their price range.

But you don’t need a huge budget to implement SEO—a little information will suffice.

Neil Patel is the biggest name in the SEO sector. His advice has been sought by some of the biggest companies in the world and his articles dominate the Google rankings for terms relating to SEO.

The following guide contains a detailed analysis of his techniques and methods, but here’s a little summary to give you a taste of what to expect:

  • What Does the Google Algorithm Consider? Neil Patel is probably the best person to ask if you’re trying to figure out the Google algorithm. His detailed analysis is outlined below, covering elements such as content relevancy, linking (internal and external), and page loading. There are many minor things to consider as well, but it’s best to keep it simple and focus on creating good content that is as long as it needs to be, as good as it can be, and contains links that will help everyone reading it to find the info they’re looking for.
  • SEO vs Paid Ads: Contrary to popular belief, paid ads have no impact on your SEO campaigns. They don’t benefit them, and they don’t harm them, either. You should still consider doing both organic and paid advertising, but remember that one doesn’t affect the other.
  • The Importance of Backlinks: If someone links to your article, it shows Google that it has some value. If that site is big and relevant and the link is prominent, it will boost your article’s value even more. If you write good content, people will link to it, but it’s not always that simple. See the guide below to learn Patel’s strategies for acquiring backlinks.
  • Long or Short Content: If you ask the average small business owner or blogger how long content should be, they’ll probably give you a fixed total, such as 800 words or 1,000 words. But the length is not as important as the quality and the relevancy. As Patel notes, your content should be as long as it needs to be.
  • Consistency is Key: One of the most important takeaways from this discussion is that consistency and relevancy are key. Make sure your content is always relevant to your brand and that it’s published with a degree of consistency. Google needs to know that you are active, and the more content you put out there, the more keywords you will cover.
  • SEO Tools: Programs like SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz, and Ubersuggest can help you to find keywords for your articles. You can also use them to monitor backlinks, track competitors, and more. For other top programs and tools, including the ones used by Neil Patel, see below.

For more top tips, including Patel’s 6-figure game-changing insight, keep reading!

Search engine optimization. SEO. It’s a term that’s second-nature to modern marketers and one that strikes fear into the heart of every inexperienced small business owner.

If you run an online business, operate a blog, or produce video/audio content, SEO is integral to your success.  

Get it right, and you can reap the rewards, becoming a leader in your field, increasing your ROI, and crushing your competitors. Get it wrong, and you risk fading into virtual obscurity, constantly fighting against the tide as you try to make your business a success.

I recently sat down with Neil Patel to discuss SEO and how it pertains to small businesses all over the world.

Neil has been involved with high-level SEO for over 20 years and is by far the biggest name in this field.

That may seem like a pretty hyperbolic statement to make, but as any SEO expert, agency, and researcher will tell you, his word is gospel. Any SEO-related search will yield results relating to Neil’s work, coming either directly from his website, podcast, and interviews, or from content heavily influenced or inspired by him.

It was a great pleasure to speak with Neil and throughout an hour-long interview, we discussed SEO methods, recommended SEO tools, ruminated on backlinks, and advised small businesses.

As always, I also asked Neil the $100,000 question—the ultimate piece of advice for anyone learning SEO and seeking to make their fortune.

To discover Neil Patel’s SEO tips and strategies, and to learn more about this complex and evolving field, keep reading.

#ThisWeekWithSabir Audio Experience

Check out the $100,000 Expert Insights – Part 2: SEO Tips and $100,000 Growth Hacks with Neil Patel

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