FREE REPORT REVEALS HOW TO 2x your E-Commerce Sales in under 21 days and turn more of your TRAFFIC INTO CUSTOMERS USING THE 8d METHOD 

After a 25 year career pulling the strings behind some of the biggest E-Commerce brands in the world Sabir Semerkant pulls back the curtain and reveals the formula behind more than 1 Billion dollars in incremental revenue for his clients.

Inside this free report you'll learn:
  • How the 8D Method works and why this holistic approach to growth is the key to unlocking revenue and maximizing profits in todays ultra competitive market
  • Why conversion rate is actually a terrible indicator of success and the one key metric you should measure instead
  • The REAL reason many E-Commerce brands are struggling to advertise profitably and ROAS numbers are declining and why hiring a new agency won't help until you fix the root cause of the problem
  • Why the "1.7-second rule" needs to be at the core of all of your marketing campaigns and how to use this insight to hack consumer psychology and drastically increase your conversions at every stage in your sales funnel
  • CASE STUDY: How Sabir used this exact method to help a 1.5M online Jewellery brand 2X their sales in the under 21 days in Q1 of 2024